
In What Kind Of Government Does A Small Group Have A Firm Control Over A Country

Oligarchy Countries 2022

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An oligarchy is a governmental system in which teh government is controlled by a pocket-sized group of people, or oligarchs. The term "oligarch" comes from an ancient Greek word, "oligarkhia", which means "the dominion of the few." Oligarchs typically gain control through financial ways, such as altruistic heavily to politicians who, in turn, rule in ways dictated by the oligarchs. Nonetheless, oligarchs may also proceeds influence through their social status/nobility; fame; didactics; or political, religious, or armed services connections. Oligarchies in which a family rules often result in power being passed downward from generation to generation. Several modern countries could be described as oligarchies, including Russian federation, China, and arguably even the United States.

Types of oligarchy

Oligarchy is actually an umbrella term that encompasses at least 13 specific variations of "rule of the few." For example, an aristocracy is an oligarchy in which the ruling class is made upwardly of aristocrats or nobles. A plutocracy is an oligarchy in which the ruling class is made upwardly of extremely wealthy individuals who use their coin to influence policy, typically with the goal of making even more money.

Are oligarchies good, evil, or neutral?

In theory, oligarchies are neither good nor evil. For example, an oligarchy in which the ruling people always made the aforementioned decisions that the population at large would make would be governing in parallel to the will of the people. Most people would consider that a "good" oligarchy. However, many theorists, from Aristotle to influential Italian sociologist Robert Michels take observed that in the overwhelming majority of cases in which a few people are given power over a larger group, those few will eventually choose to establish policies that benefit themselves at the expense of the people as a whole. In other words, an oligarchy only becomes "evil" if and when the oligarchs act to remove the checks and balances on their own power, violate (or ignore) the dominion of law, and put their own cocky interests ahead of those of the country's people—just they have a historic tendency to do so.

The impact of an oligarchy government on its people

When oligarchy governments become more self-serving, they typically go more authoritative and take on decision-making, sometimes fifty-fifty oppressive or exploitative governmental policies. Income inequality tends to increment equally wealth is funneled towards rulers instead of those in the working class. The centre class shrinks equally the rich get richer and the poor grow poorer. Additionally, a soured oligarchy tends to inhibit economic growth and creative agility due to a ruling form focused on maintaining the condition quo, typically at the expense of actions that would benefit the heart and lower classes. Lastly, an oligarchy can issue in puppet leaders—weak politicians who present every bit stiff leaders, only are in fact mere figureheads controlled by the oligarchs who funded their ballot campaigns.

List of countries that are oligarchies*:

Considering "oligarchy" is a slightly amorphous, subjective term, there is no definitive list of which countries are and are not oligarchies. However, a strong case could be made for each of the post-obit countries: China, Islamic republic of iran, Saudi Arabia, Democratic people's republic of korea, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, United states of america (debated), Venezuela, and Zimbabwe. Note that oligarchy is not necessarily an exclusive term. For example, while North Korea'due south one-party arrangement qualifies it as an oligarchy, it could also be classified as a hereditary Stalinist dictatorship and even an accented monarchy.

Oligarchy in Russia

One of the nigh well-known oligarchies is Russia, which historians say has been ruled by one administrative oligarchy or some other since at least the 1400s. The dissolution of the Soviet Wedlock from roughly 1988-1991 was a item flashpoint for oligarchy, because it enabled a small group of wealthy individuals (mostly bankers) to gain controlling interest of many of the state'southward near valuable resources and utilities (such as oil fields). This resulted in a state of affairs in which politicians ruled the country, but the oligarchs ruled the politicians. For example, a small group of wealthy oligarchs financed Russian President Boris Yeltsin's reelection in 1996, and were then able to wield tremendous influence over Yeltsin, likewise as benefiting financially from insider knowledge about the government's economic policies and actions.

While Russia'south electric current authorities publicly distanced itself from many of the old oligarchs, it is notoriously cocky-serving and corrupt, and is widely considered to have just replaced one prepare of oligarchs with another. For case, Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2020 spearheaded a constitutional subpoena that, among other things, reset his term limit and so he could conceivably remain president until 2036 rather than stepping down when his term expired in 2024 (despite the fact that he had already been president from 2000-2008 and 2012-present). This is exactly the kind of power-consolidating move oligarchy governments make.

Moreover, critics point out that while Russia holds elections, the ruling oligarchs command every aspect of those elections: It dictates media coverage and political advertising leading up to the event, disposes of certain opposition candidates (by often shady means), counts the actual votes, and and so on. This organization raises significant questions nigh the integrity of Russian federation's elections. Every bit a result of scenarios such every bit these, Russia scored simply v points out of a possible forty in a 2021 cess of the Russian citizens' political rights past Freedom House (and only 15/lx in civil liberties) and is classified as a clear oligarchy. In 2018, the U.S. Treasury released a list of Russian oligarchs, naming 96 full, in addition to 114 political figures, as part of the fallout from Russian attempts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election. However, it was quickly revealed that the listing had simply copied a Forbes mag listing of billionaires and singled out those with Russian citizenship or heritage.

Oligarchy in the U.s.a.

Opinions differ upon whether the U.s.a. can exist considered an oligarchy. Americans enjoy many features of a democratic government, such as elections and freedom of spoken language. However, in that location exists substantial evidence that powerful corporations and flush individuals have a significantly larger influence on policymaking than ordinary citizens. For example, corporations and even private individuals are legally immune to donate massive amounts of coin to politicians' political campaigns, enabling their called candidates—typically those who put corporate interests alee of those of not-wealthy people or the environment—to fund many more advertisements, assistants, and other resource (even disinformation campaigns) than their opponents. Corporations and individuals can also hire lobbyists to influence politicians already in role. In low-cal of this scenario, many economists and researchers maintain that while the The states is a republic in theory, information technology is an oligarchy in actual practice—or is at to the lowest degree heading in the management of one.

Oligarchy Countries 2022

Land 2022 Population
Zimbabwe 15,331,428
North korea 25,990,679
Venezuela 29,266,991
Saudi Arabia 35,844,909
Ukraine 43,192,122
Turkey 85,561,976
Iran 86,022,837
Russia 145,805,947
Us 334,805,269
China 1,448,471,400

Oligarchy Countries 2022

  1. Oligarchy Examples in Different Countries (Past & Modern) - YourDictionary
  2. Oligarchy Countries, with Examples from History and Today
  3. Oligarchy - Wiki


In What Kind Of Government Does A Small Group Have A Firm Control Over A Country,


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